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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Courtney's birth story

Bubs was measuring small throughout my whole pregnancy, so regular ultrasounds were a common occurrence to check on his growth.

There was talk to induction but the doctors then abandoned that idea and didn’t go through with it. Well, that’s what I thought. I went in for my 38 week check up and as soon as Jake and I walked into the appointment, my OB asked how I felt about being induced the following Monday.

I didn’t know if I wanted to cry because I loved being pregnant or be super happy that my little man was coming a bit earlier! A few days later I got the phone call detailing what time I needed to be at the hospital and they explained what was going to happen once we arrived.

Jake and I were so excited by this point. My induction was scheduled to begin Sunday 28, so, of course, I didn’t relax (definitely recommend a relaxing day) and did a heap of jobs around the house and garden. At 8pm I went into the hospital to have the tape put in to start the process but unfortunately I wasn’t dilated at all.

Half an hour later and I was already beginning to get contractions. They definitely weren't easy, with about 5 contractions in a 10 minute period with no break in between.

I was in so much pain already and they just went on and on.

I was given some pain relief in hopes that I can get some rest, but it was a pretty sleepless night.

8am rolled around and I headed down to the birthing suite where my Doctor met me to see how it was all going. She removed the tape and have a bit of a feel to see how much I had dilated, I was 2cm, so she broke my waters (that’s definitely a weird feeling! haha). I had the drip put in and I also had antibiotics hooked up as I had tested Strep B positive.

My contractions started ramping up more and more and I managed to get through to lunchtime until I needed some pain relief. I was given a shot of morphine and jumped into the shower.

It helped but wasn't enough.


The midwife suggested that I have an epidural as she could see I was just exhausted and was beginning to get over it, so I agreed. I stayed in the shower until the anaesthetist arrived, which was thankfully only a 20-minute wait. He began prepping me and in it went. I was expecting it to hurt but I think the morphine shot helped a lot. It took about 10 minutes for the epidural to kick in and it was the best decision in my life. I was so relaxed and had no feeling from my boobs down.

A few hours had passed by this point and the Doctor came in at 3pm to have a look at how I was progressing - I was finally in active labour at 4cm dilated. It felt like a lifetime getting to that point.

I managed to sleep for an hour and a half and the Doctor came back in at 6:30pm to check me and I was 7cm.

And then, at around 8:30pm I had a massive urge to push and my body began invulantry pushing without me doing anything. I told my midwife that he was coming but they didn’t think I was ready yet (I feel like they always say your not ready when you are).

The Doctor was called to come and check me once again and she came almost straight away. She had a look and was shocked that he was pretty much there. I started pushing at 8.55pm and by 9:15pm our little man was finally here.


He was such a content little guy that caused a wave of emotions all through the room. We were so lucky that the hospital let Jake stay the whole time, especially with the Coronavirus restrictions.

In the end, he weighed a petite 2.75kg (6.1 pounds).


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