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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Kate's birth story

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

"I forget you're even pregnant," And "wow you're so small! " was something that I heard all throughout my pregnancy, and to be honest - my pregnancy was a dream! 


Photo by Morgan Lee Photography


Regularly going to my doctor check-ups everything was always normal, however, this never seemed to ease the anxious feeling that you would get before each ultrasound or heartbeat check-up.  From about 32 weeks, I had been having high blood pressure but my doctor wasn't concerned and reassured me that it can be normal for first pregnancies, my age (22) and because I was having a girl.

I made it to my 39 week check-up and there were still no signs of the baby coming anytime soon. I had my blood pressure taken and it was through the roof, straight away my doctor asked me how I felt about being induced on Monday.

This was my worst nightmare! My whole pregnancy, this was the one thing I didn't want. So, I instantly cried and cried.

My doctor sent me to be monitored at the hospital for an hour where I had blood taken to check for preeclampsia and to see if my blood pressure maintained a higher reading - which it did. My doctor came and saw me at the end of the day and agreed that we will move forward with the induction after the weekend (yes more tears). My doctor also explained that my results from my blood test had come back with signs of early preclampsia, which absolutely shocked me as I had no other symptoms!  A lot more tears over the weekend occurred and before I knew it, it was Monday. We got up at 5.30am to get to the hospital by 7am, all masked up and ready to go. We went straight to the birth suite, as my cervix was ready I was able to get the drip started straight away. My nurse attempted to put the drip in twice, however, it didn't go to plan and at this point my partner had left the room from the sight of all the blood. I had just about fainted from the experience and thought to myself 'how the hell am I going to do this?!'.  Another hour passed and my doctor came to put the drip in and break my waters, let's just say I had enough gas I almost passed out (for the second time that day).  Within an hour, I started getting small contractions and I just kept bouncing along on the ball. But before I knew it the pain was so horrible that I was laying on the bed crying and my midwife suggested I get a morphine shot.

I agreed, she gave me the shot and it felt like it did nothing. More tears and what felt like hours my midwife suggested I get the epidural, I instantly agreed and thought 'thank god, I'll be able to have some sort of a rest'. The Anesthesiologist came and gave me the epidural, expecting some sort of relief soon went out the window as an hour had passed and there was no change. At this stage I felt so disheartened and I couldn't do it anymore.  After another couple hours, I was given another epidural which managed to just take the edge off, which was better then nothing at this point. However, I could still feel everything.

After some more time and working through the contractions my body felt so much pressure! I told my midwives and they checked and I had made it to 10cm, this was the best news ever. Due to my epidural still not being fully effective, my doctor decided to give me a spinal block. After I got the spinal block I was completely numb from the waist down but I could still move my legs, this was such a weird feeling.  Finally, it was time to push!

I started pushing for what only felt like a short amount of time, with every contraction I had my whole team of midwives encouraging me. An hour of pushing had passed and unfortunately, she just wasn't coming out but she was so close. At this stage, I just thought 'someone get this baby out!'

My doctor came in and said it's time for her to help get things moving, she then used the vacuum to assist with the delivery and within a few more pushes I had our baby on my chest.  Born on 3/08/20 at 6.15pm and weighing 8 pounds (a lot bigger than we expected) we met our baby girl, Isabelle.


Despite crying my whole labour, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. 

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