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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Crutches, contracts and Covid

Wow - I have been slack when it comes to blogging of late!

I figured I would just jump on and give a bit of a life update in this blog post.

Unfortunately, Aidan is still off of work and on crutches (read my Father's Day blog post if you want to know why) but with physio, he is slowly improving. Whilst it has sucked having him injured it has been so good for him and Felix to bond during a time where Aidan would typically be working 10-12 hour days. Aidan's been able to watch Felix grow and change on a daily basis and it will be these days that he looks back on with fondness in years to come.

We are also in the thick of signing contracts for our house that we are building - and boy has it been a frustrating journey! I feel like banks think it is apart of their job to make life difficult when buying/ building a house. We have been forced to go unconditional on our land purchase and sign our build contracts whilst our loan is only 'conditionally approved' pending a property valuation due to the bank dragging their feet and not communicating with any of the relevant parties. Soooo... if you see us eating baked beans and washing our clothes in the gutter in a few months time - you'll know that we lost all of our money and the bank changed their minds!

I so badly want to be excited about our new house but it's so hard to feel like we are in a position to celebrate when there is a cloud hanging above us waiting to rain on our parade.

In more positive news, Felix has grown!


We had Felix's 5 month check-up today and he has jumped from the 10th percentile to the 25th percentile in just over a month - for everyone that's been following his weight saga since birth - this is big and exciting news!

Our Maternal Child Health nurse has also written us a letter to prompt our GP to give us a referral to a pediatrician for Felix as he is still experiencing mucus poos and almost constant congested breathing. She seems to think he may have further food intolerances over and above dairy and wants to explore this further before we start him on solids at 6 months old.

I hope that something comes of it as I feel like we have been going around in circles before this point. I'll keep you all updated!

Felix has also decided in the last few days that he knows how to roll over (back to belly) and now refuses to stay still - I reckon he rolled over 35 times yesterday lol

I'm in constant awe at how quickly he is making these advancements and hitting these milestones however, I wish that he would slow down a bit so I can savour this stage in his life. I also want him to slow down so that our family can experience him as a 'baby' still.

We are in regional Victoria with a large portion of Aidan's family in metro Victoria and with our lockdown restrictions they haven't been able to see him (or us) since he was 3 weeks old - and some of his family are still yet to meet Felix at all!

I'm so excited for metro Victoria to receive the news today that they can begin opening up again but was slightly crushed to hear that the regional/ metro borders won't open up for another 2 weeks.

So, to everyone in metro Victoria - I urge you to do the right thing over these 2 weeks so that Felix (and many other babies) can finally meet their Buz-Nanna and Buz-Nunnu, hug their Aunty and Uncle again and create memories with their cousins.

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