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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Pandemic Pregnancy


Three weeks ago, had you of asked me what I had planned for tonight, I would tell you about the cake that I’m decorating, the balloon garland I’m creating and the baby shower that I would be having in the morning.

Three weeks ago there were 13 cases of coronavirus in Victoria.

Tonight there are 574 cases in Victoria.

My plans tonight are ones that I could never have anticipated even though it is something we have done a million times before. Aidan and I ordered pizza for dinner and watched a movie - our civil duty. The delivery driver left the order at our door and it was completely contactless.

I’ve left the house twice in the last 12 days - once for a quick trip to the supermarket and the other for my 30 week check up at the hospital.

Since the moment we found out we were pregnant, Aidan and I have been excitedly counting down the weeks as we edge closer and closer to our due date, except now our excitement has been replaced with trepidation.

Our whole pregnancy we had planned for Aidan, his mum and our student midwife to be in the delivery room. Our new reality will more than likely mean that it is just Aidan and I. Other women are facing an even bleaker reality, that they will be doing it alone.

With new Government restrictions and social distancing our hospital visitation policy has changed. Aidan will be able to visit our baby and I for a maximum of two hours a day and the hospital has every intention of rushing us out the door as quickly as possible.

Thats 22 hours a day a first time mother is left alone with a newborn baby learning about parenthood and 22 hours a day that a first time father sits alone at home only 1.6km away counting down the hours until he is allowed to visit again.

We are facing a reality where grandparents, aunts, uncles and pivotal people in our sons life will be meeting him through a camera lens and Skype calls.

I understand why these measures are in place but I do not understand the people that aren’t complying with self isolation and social distancing measures.

I do not understand why our Government thinks it is essential to get a haircut and go clothes shopping but it is acceptable to seperate a father from his newborn child.

Even if people are ignorant enough to think that it is just a flu (three weeks ago, I was just as ignorant) and the world is over reacting. Just comply and stay home.

Stay home so it will be over quicker.

Stay home so people can get back to work.

Stay home so that in three months time you are visiting your grandmother at her home rather than her gravesite.

Stay home so we can enjoy our pregnancy without fear.

Stay home so that Aidan can spend more than two hours a day with his son.

Stay home so our son can meet his grandparents.

Just stay home.

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