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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Father's day and Dad's down

Last Sunday was Aidan's first Fathers Day and whilst we were stuck in Stage 3 Lockdown we made the most of it.

The whole house had a bit of a sleep in, Aidan opened his presents in bed, I made bagels for breakfast, we went for a drive and did some gardening - it was a nice wholesome family day.

I went to sleep that night completely content in our lives and what we have built together so far. The next morning, Aidan went to work and Felix and I went about our day.


And then, I got a call from Aidan.

He had been reversed into by a car whilst at work (thankfully he only hobbled away with ligament damage to his ankle and some bruising). At first, I didn't believe him and thought that he was joking - I wish he had been.

Later that day, reality set in on how bad the accident could have been and how quickly life can change.

So, by now Aidan has been home for a week and I have mixed emotions about it.

He is still on crutches and can barely put any weight on his foot, so whilst he is trying to be helpful, there isn't much that he is able to do to help and I am missing just having that extra pair of hands (shout out to all of the single parents out there - I don't know how you do it).

I am also struggling to switch off and wind down at the end of the day because normally Aidan getting home from work would be my trigger to switch from hyper-productive mum mode to a chill mum who can enjoy a cuppa and hot shower in peace but now with Aidan home from work and barely mobile, I don't have the chance to switch modes as I had previously.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving having Aidan home and the extra family time that we are squeezing in but it really has thrown me.

I am such a creature of habit!

I literally eat the same thing every single day (PB toast and almond milk coffee for breakfast, salad wraps for lunch and about 5 different dinners on rotation - just in case you were wondering) and whilst my plans each day are quite fluid, it always consists of going for a walk, feeding Felix every 3 hours, active playtime and a pretty consistent sleep schedule.

I never scheduled in for an extra person to be home during these plans.

I think Aidan is struggling with the slow pace of being at home all day and to not move freely around as he had previously, which I can completely empathise with.

I think we are both just looking forward to life returning back to pre getting hit by a car days.

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