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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke


This week is World Breastfeeding Week, a week that I wouldn't have cared about before having a baby but now can completely appreciate it!


I remember being SO fearful of breastfeeding when I was pregnant because all I had heard were horror stories of how difficult it would be, cracked nipples, mastitis and poor latches.

People would always ask if I was planning on breastfeeding and my response was always along the lines of "If I'm fortunate enough to, I will" because the reality is that breastfeeding is extremely difficult for a lot of women.

But that hasn't been my experience, and I think it is so important to share all aspects of breastfeeding, especially the success stories!

From the moment Felix had the first feed he has been absolutely amazing when it comes to feeding. His latch is perfect and he feeds for anywhere between 10-20 minutes every 2-4 hours with a longer stretch overnight.

I am yet to need any creams or supplements and have quite a generous supply.

With everything going my way, I can still attest to how exhausting it can be (particularly in those early days) and cannot begin to imagine how much pressure it would put on my breastfeeding journey if any of the above things didn't go my way.

I remember the first time I had to feed Felix in public and the absolute anxiety I had even thinking about it, turns out not many people care and usually just turn a blind eye to it but at the time it felt like all eyes were on me. Fast forward to this morning and I was feeding Felix in the car at a local park, or last week when I was feeding in the middle of a cafe not feeling the need to throw a blanket over him.

I have always constantly doubted myself when it comes to breastfeeding Felix and place a lot of unnecessary and irrational blame on myself, the following things are all thoughts I have had (many times);

  • Felix's slow weight gain is because I'm not feeding him enough or I must have a supply issue

  • He isn't getting enough nutrients from my diet

  • I'm a terrible mother for eating dairy, I should have known that's what was causing his stomach issues

Plus a million other thoughts that aren't coming to mind at the moment.

I have been dairy-free for a fortnight now due to that being the suspected cause for Felix's mucous and vinegar poo's and it seems to already be making a positive difference with his weight gain, frequency of vomits and his poo is SLOWLY on the improve.

So, you can imagine how guilty I felt yesterday when I accidentally ate some dairy and he had such bad tummy pains, more spews and explosive bowels!

Never again with the dairy!

Bit of a ramble this week - but that is my breastfeeding experience so far. It is very early days and there is no knowing how long I will be able to breastfeed for but for now, I am loving it (even on those harder days and when I'm craving chocolate).

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