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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Paige's birth story

During pregnancy, I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus and had what felt like mild contractions with an occasional lot of full-blown contractions throughout my pregnancy starting at 5 weeks gestation.

When 36+3 rolled around, we had reduced fetal movements and an ultrasound showed reduced fluid levels - the contractions were also stronger than ever!

I spent 9 hours at the hospital on the ward for monitoring before they let us go home. The next day, I had a growth scan booked which showed good fluid levels and a perfect sized healthy baby.

At 36+5 we were back in the hospital and thought it was go time - they put us in a birthing suite and everything! However, the contractions fizzled out and we got sent home and I was only 1cm dilated.

I had an appointment with my OB the next day, who booked me in to be induced the following week at 37+4.

The induction date came around and I arrived at the hospital at 11am for the balloon catheter to be inserted. I had slight cramping in between the normal contractions I was having already and that night, they gave me a sleeping tablet and pain relief to get some much-needed rest before the big day!

I was so excited to get this balloon out and start the drip! The balloon was removed and I was told it was unsuccessful as I was only 1.5cm dilated. After consulting the Doctor on shift, it was decided the gel would be inserted at 6:30am and my waters broken at 11am if they didn’t break on their own.

That 4 hours waiting with contractions felt like an eternity!

Finally, it was time to go over to the birthing suite - I was 3cm dilated and my waters were broken and the Doctor was due to come and assess me again at 12:30pm.

As this is my second child, it didn’t take long for my body to know exactly what to do again. I needed a shower as these real contractions came on so fast! I hoped for the gas but due to COVID-19 that was unavailable at my hospital and I had a plan to have an epidural if the pain became too much.

I remember wanting pain relief, looking at the clock - it was 12:05pm and I knew it was too late. I requested Panadol - that request was declined with a slight giggle and a “that’s not going to help”. I laughed and said, "I know but it’s too late for anything else".

12:15pm rolled around and I was ready to push this baby out! I couldn’t get a position that was comfortable - I was standing leaning over the bed but my legs couldn’t hold me and I ended up kneeling on the bed with the head at 90 degrees holding the top of the bed. The constant thought of 'I can’t do this' was all that was running through my head.

I felt her coming and the scream helped me get her head out. It was a relief as we got to the neck and had a quick break before the shoulders came through. With a big breath, out came her shoulders.

The final push at 12:53pm left me feeling so dizzy and light headed, all I kept thinking and saying was 'I’m going to pass out'. I needed to lie down for the delivery of the placenta.

'Oh my baby is so beautiful with all that dark hair' - I looked lovingly at my husband as they put her on my chest. Here it comes as I push.

I felt so cold.

'Why am I so cold?'

'Where’s my baby gone?'

'Why are all these people in the room?'

'Why are you yelling to me what your name is?'

'What do you mean my placenta is stuck?'

'Ouch my arm. That’s a big needle. Ouch, you stabbed my leg!'

'Leave my nipples alone! Please don’t touch me.'

'80/60 that couldn’t be my blood pressure!'

'I’m going to die.'

'My arms are cold - what are you giving me?'

All I see is lights moving above me and I’m crying. Where am I going and where is my baby and my husband?

Why am I in theatre?

I don’t want this spinal block - I did this all naturally!

Warmth washed over me and before long I’m in the recovery room. The OB was there as well, it was nice to finally see a familiar face.

It turned out that I had lost 1.3L of blood and my placenta had broken apart and a lobe got stuck, they removed it successfully in theatre.

I was not going to die.

"Take me to my baby, please"

Oh my goodness I love her! I whisper to her how sorry I was that I missed her first 3 hours of life.


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