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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Six week check-up

The six week check-up is a milestone for all women post-childbirth but also comes with mixed emotions, well for me anyway.


Last Tuesday Felix was officially 6 weeks and 1 day old and thus, ready for his needles. It was over in a matter of minutes and he won't ever remember it but his scream that he let out will forever be etched into my brain.

It was a blood-curdling scream that I had never heard before - not even when he was at the hospital getting blood taken and a canula inserted (they had him doped up on sugar water).

I gave Felix a comfort feed straight after his jabs, he wasn't hungry but needed to be nursed and cradled. I think we both needed it.

It was also a nice way to pass the 15 minute waiting period.

With Felix's check-up aside, it was time to focus on my 6 week check-up.

My doctor inspected my episiotomy wound and gave me clearance to have sex and start exercising again. My doctor was extremely supportive and helpful, ensuring that whilst I had clearance to commence having sex again that I do so at my own pace.

Whilst I am all for pacing myself where sex is concerned, I was so excited to get the go-ahead to start exercising again. I want my body back.

I have never had an appreciation for my body and have hated it for as long as I can remember. Before falling pregnant I was already heavier then I wanted to be and dissatisfied in myself, I think that's why I took it so personally when everyone commented on how 'big' I was during pregnancy.

I gained around 23kgs during pregnancy but more importantly, I gained a baby and a true appreciation for my body and what it is capable of.

I now have a stomach completely covered in stretch marks, my belly has loose skin and I still only fit into 1/4 of my pre-pregnancy wardrobe and I am still a good 15kgs heavier then I was before Felix and about 25kgs heavier then I want to be.

But surprisingly (for me in particular) I am not worried about how I look - that isn't what is motivating me to move my body again!

It was not being able to put my shoes on, shave my legs or move comfortably at the end of my pregnancy that made me realise how lucky I am to be able to get that movement back. It is thinking about running around with Felix at the park and not wanting to cut his visit short because I am puffed. It is wanting Felix to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle and the need to model that behaviour.

It is bigger than just me and my body, and I hope that my desire for better is enough to keep me moving in the right direction.


Myself, Felix, Carmen and Andrew (Aidan's Mum and Step-dad) and our nephews Oskar and Henry at Toorongo Falls last week


P.S. Sorry for the delay in getting this weeks blog post out - apparently having a baby is time-consuming (go figure!).

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