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  • Writer's pictureShelby Burke

Tiff's birth story!

I always thought I would give birth early but not that early.

My pregnancy was a cruisy affair for the most part - except for being amidst a global pandemic. The standard all-day sickness until about 14 weeks, glowing and energetic second trimester then the third-trimester hit and that is where it all started to go a little pear-shaped, literally!

With weight gain on the rise, major fluid retention and heartburn, I was really feeling it. It was a Wednesday and I was exactly 36 weeks. I had finished work unexpectedly early that day at around 12pm, where usually, I would finish around 4 or 5pm. I was excited to come home and finish binge-watching Outer Banks on Netflix.

I walked in the door and had a sudden urge to clean the entire house, not just the standard do the dishes and mop the floors. I had this weird burst of energy; I was scrubbing the shower with a toothbrush and reorganising my jewellery box. We had plans to go to the inlaws for dinner and I’m sure if it weren't for those plans, I would have cleaned all night long!

My father in law is really into music and speakers, so much so he made his own speakers. That night after dinner he wanted to show them off. He sat me in a chair in the middle of the room (he claimed that it was the optimal position to hear the speakers projection). I remember feeling so uncomfortable while sitting in that chair, it felt like the song went for an entire year, but he was so excited to show off his creation that I sat through it.

Shortly after I had the most intense urge to go to the toilet, that bad that I

couldn’t wait until we were home. So, off I went to the guest bathroom and not even a double flush would suffice!

I had the best night sleep that night, I didn’t even get up to pee which if you’ve ever

been pregnant you know how rare that is! Being my first pregnancy I had not the slightest idea these are all signs that I could have been in labour or close to it.

The next morning was my 36-week check-up, my appointment was a 9am. I got up at 8am to have a quick shower and a bite to eat before heading to my appointment. I turned the shower on and sat on the toilet to pee, which was super unusual, I usually just pee in the shower (controversial I know but let's be honest - everyone does it!). I stood to get in the shower as I tested the water temperature I felt, what I thought, was pee running

down my leg. I thought damn girl you got to work on that pelvic floor you literally just peed and you’ve wet yourself within 10 seconds of getting off the toilet.

I look down and see a stream of blood running down my leg and pooling onto the bathmat Followed by a blood clot the size of a golf ball. I looked at my husband Ryan and jokingly said ‘Uhm... I think we’re having a baby today’. I have NEVER seen someone get out of bed so quickly!

I was oddly calm and I finished my shower and it seemed the bleeding had stopped after the clot. I called the midwives to explain what had happened and they told me to make my way to the consulting suites for my appointment and they would assess the situation

there. Being the independent woman I like to think I am, I drove myself there and waddled up the hill, all West Gippy girls know the struggle of that damn hill (I will never understand why they have put consulting suites for old and pregnant people on the top of a steep hill?!). As soon as I arrived, they knew I’d had a bleed and they were all over me. I had to check my own urine for signs of protein, thanks to weird Covid-19 guidelines, it was fine...I think - those pee strips are tricky to read!

They then attached a foetal monitor for about two hours, every time I felt her move, I had to press a button. They were not happy with her heart rate and told me there was not enough variation. It was then that they decided to send me up to the maternity ward at the hospital. They sent me on my way and told me not to eat, I walked across to the hospital, huffing and puffing. I couldn’t help myself (I was so hungry) and I ate a sneaky muesli bar that had been at the bottom of my handbag for weeks!

I called Ryan to let him know what was going on. I told him I’d probably just be there for a few hours and they’d send me home. After a quick temperature check and the standard COVID ‘have you got any symptoms or been in contact with anyone who does’ etc., they admitted me straight away. Back onto the foetal monitor I go, another 4 hours go by. Obstetrician and nurses coming and going. One nurse said to me "do you feel that?" I said "feel what?" She told me I had been having regular contractions for 4 hours.


I just remember being super hungry but they wouldn’t let me eat! Another hour goes by and I’m starting to feel tightening in my stomach that I couldn’t talk through - it didn’t really hurt, it was just breathtaking. The nurse said, “that my friend is a contraction”. I thought well, I don’t know what all these women are complaining about, this isn’t so bad!

The pain started to intensify, so they examined me. I was reluctant to open my legs, I remember the nurse acting out as if she was wrapping something up. She said “here is your dignity darl, I have packed it up and we’ll pop it at the door for you to collect when you leave.” I laughed which brought on a contraction. I was 1 ½ cm dilated, I couldn’t believe it, I was only 36 weeks.

I was in total denial.

The OB walked In and said, "well, Tiff how do you feel about having a baby today?" I looked at her and said "what me?" she laughed and said, "well there are no other pregnant women in this room". I was offered a stretch and sweep but they recommended what she called, a precautionary emergency c-section. Ryan wasn’t there and I just said to her, if you think the baby and I will be safer having a c-section then let's do it.

She went on to explain the possibilities of a natural birth and I felt so much more comfortable to be able to make an informed choice, if they hadn’t of given me the choice, I’m not sure I would have coped as well. C section it was, she said: “so how does 5 o’clock sound?” I laughed again and said alright let’s have a baby at 5, just like that!

I called Ryan to tell him the good news and to go get my bags and come down. He said he swears he got stuck behind every slow person that ever existed between Warragul and Drouin and back to Warragul again. I heard his voice in the hallway, he said to a nurse “I’m looking for my wife” she responded, “we have lots of them, what’s your one's name?” I will never forget the frazzled look on his face, it was so funny!

Ryan and I chatted for about an hour, signed all the necessary papers and took one last picture before two became three. Soon enough we were being wheeled down to the surgical ward. The porter came to push me down in a wheelchair. I’m pretty sure he had seen my butt, I did a terrible job of tying up my hospital gown (lucky I wasn't due to pick up my dignity until home time).


Once we were in the surgical ward Ryan was sent off to put on a pair of overalls and for the first time all day, it hit me… all at once! I was about to have major abdominal surgery, to birth my premature baby and I had no idea if something is going to be wrong. I needed him now more than ever and he couldn’t be with me. Luckily my midwife was fantastic and talked me through the process, I had a lovely connection with her, she had cared for my late grandfather up to his last minutes. For her to then share the first minutes of my firstborn child’s life was so special. Tears streamed down my face as they sat me up to administer the spinal block. It was like a bee sting and then all of a sudden, I’m laying down with what started like pins and needles which very quickly but gradually turned into full-on numbness up to my boobs. I had IV lines attached to me everywhere and the curtain in front of my face but once the drugs started to kick in I felt so comfortable and I was chatting away as if I was out for brunch with my girlfriends.

The surgeons had trouble cutting through my ab muscles and asked if I worked out through my pregnancy I laughed and said not once!

Within minutes our baby girl was born.

Every one of the medical staff, almost all at the same time said… “Happy Birthday Millie!” as she was pulled out. They popped her little screaming body over

the curtain with her hands reaching out to us, both Ryan and I put our hands out to her and she grabbed onto our fingers and instantly stopped crying, it was the most heartwarming experience we have ever had. They put her onto my chest for about a minute, quickly took her to check everything was okay and then returned her while I was being stitched up.

I could feel Ryan’s hand on my head and the other on Millie. We created the most beautiful love circle and that moment in time is my happy place. Millie was in perfect health except her blood sugar levels were a little low. She latched onto the breast straight away but it wasn’t quite enough to bring her blood sugar up, so she went to the special care nursery for an hour where they gave her more expressed colostrum and a little bit of glucose.

While the spinal was wearing off, it caused me to get the shakes and I was feeling a little spaced out, so I was happy for Ryan to be with her in the nursery. Then we got settled into my room in the maternity ward (I had a room to myself which was amazing). I was up and walking after just a few hours, no one can prepare you for the pain you experience sitting up the first time after a c-section, WOW!


Ryan came back the next day, somewhat underprepared - because of Covid-19 once he had entered the hospital he could not leave, the cafeteria was not open and I was SO hungry that there wasn’t a crumb left of my meals, for him to share. The poor thing just about starved but he was determined that he would stay as long as his stomach could hold out.

The next few days he packed his lunch and we just doted over Millie. I was not allowed any other visitors due to Covid-19, but honestly, it was the best. I will refuse visitors after my next birth, assuming this pandemic will be over by the time that happens! It gave us time to recover and adjust, I cried and laughed but one thing I did little of was sleep.

I didn’t really have a birth plan at all but it certainly wasn’t how I expected things to happen. At first, I felt like I had cheated, all the hard yards were done for me and I had to break that puzzle apart, I'm slowly putting it back together again.

Looking back, I would not change my experience one bit. Ryan and I are loving our new role as parents and jumping the hurdle as they come.

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